SunHerbal ChinaMed prepared Chinese herbal medicine in capsule
- 90 high strength prepared Chinese medicine herbal capsules (78 capsules for 13 days).
- Empirical & essential formulas designed for specific conditions.
- Convenient, high strength 6:1 product.
- Condition based indications.
- User friendly product names.
- Easy to use & cost effective for patients.
- Excellent patient compliance.
- Time & space efficient for dispensing.
- Manufactured from ‘A’ grade herbs to Australian GMP standards.
- Two weeks supply per bottle.
- Order online worldwide available now.

Some of the ChinaMed formulas are adaptations of commonly used traditional formulas, with modifications to enhance their clinical efficacy. All have been developed with the assistance of several renowned Chinese herbal doctors, who are leaders in their field, with a lifetime of clinical experience as well as expertise in the development of prepared herbal products for the domestic market in China.
An unique feature of the ChinaMed range is that each formula has been named and labeled so that you are able to see at glance the major indications for each product. While it is true that one formula may have several uses clinically, SunHerbal have chosen to name each one according to the most common clinical indication. this is especially appropriate as most of the formulas have been developed to treat a specific condition, such as eczema, IBS or chronic sinusitis.
Sun Herbal ChinaMed capsules are all manufactured in China from ‘A’ grade herbs. the most advanced methods of extracting and concentrating whole herbs are used in the manufacture of ChinaMed capsules to produce a 6:1 final product.
For the convenience of both practitioner and patient, each bottle containing 78 capsules, which will last 2 weeks at the recommended dosage. You will find that ChinaMed formulas are competitively priced and cost considerably less than a standard 60 capsules.
Please visit our online shop to find out each product’s detail, or buy them online.
Note: Any of them is not always available. Some of them have already banned by NZ DOC or Custom.
Code | Pinyin Name | English Name |
CM100 | An chuan ling 暗疮灵 | Acne formula |
CM121 | Pi fu bing jie du fang 皮肤病解毒方 | Acute eczema formula |
CM119 | Long dan xie gan tang (wan) 龙胆泻肝汤(丸) | Anti-inflamm Formula |
CM105 | Chuan xin lian jie du fang 穿心莲解毒方 | Antitox 1 formula |
CM175 | Huang lian jie du tang 黄连解毒汤 | Antitox 2 formula |
CM107 | Du huo ji sheng tang (jia wei) 独活寄生汤(加味) | Arthritis 1 formula |
CM126 | Guan jie yan jiao nang 关节炎胶囊 | Arthritis 2 formula |
CM176 | Yao tui tong shen xiao fang 腰腿痛神效方 | Back & Knees formula |
CM177 | Gu niao bu shen fang 固尿补肾方 | Bladder function 1 formula |
CM131 | Xue fu zhu yu tang (wan) 血府逐瘀汤(丸) | Blood moving formula |
CM178 | Tong bian qing chang fang 通便清肠方 | Bowel Detox formula |
CM129 | Run chang tong bian fang 润肠通便汤 | Bowel mover formula |
CM150 | Tian wang bu xin wan (dan) 天王补心(丸)丹 | Calm the spirit formula |
CM151 | Qiang xin shen mai jian nang 强心参麦胶囊 | Cardiac formula |
CM152 | Tong mai jiang zhi fang 通脉降脂方 | Cholesterol formula |
CM116 | Liang xue xiao feng san 凉血消风散 | Chronic eczema formula |
CM111 | Guo min bi yan fang 过敏鼻炎方 | Chronic sinus formula |
CM179 | Qing gan qu zhi fang 清肝去脂方 | Clear the liver formula |
CM180 | Wen dan tang 温胆汤 | Clear the phlegm formula |
CM153 | Huang lian shang qing fang 黄连上清方(丸) | Clear the toxins formula |
CM181 | Qi ju di huang wan 杞菊地黄丸 | Clear Vision formula |
CM133 | Yin qiao sang ju gan mao ling 银翘桑菊感冒灵 | Cold & flu formula |
CM149 | Zhi sou hua tan te xiao fang 止嗽化痰特效方 | Cough clear 1 formula |
CM154 | Qing qi hua tan zhi ke fang 清气化痰止咳方 | Cough clear 2 formula |
CM102 | Bao he xiao shi fang 保和消食方 | Digest-aid formula |
CM155 | Xiang sha liu jun zi tang (wan) 香砂六君子汤(丸) | Digestive tonic formula |
CM135 | Zhi bai ba wei tang 知柏八味汤 | Empty heat formula |
CM139 | Bu zhong yi qi wan (tang) 补中益气(丸)汤 | Energy tonic formula |
CM138 | An gong gu tai fang 安宫固胎方 | Fertility support 2 formula |
CM122 | Qian lie kang 前列康 | Free flow formula |
CM182 | Huo xiang zheng qi tang 藿香正气汤 | Gastro-Aid formula |
CM156 | Wei yan ning 胃炎宁 | Gastrocalm formula |
CM115 | Jiang tang fang 降糖方 | Glycemic support formula |
CM145 | Qing chang tiao jun fang 清肠调菌方 | Gut detox formula |
CM183 | Tiao jing ning xue fang 调经宁血方 | Gyne function 1 formula |
CM134 | Fu yan ping 妇炎平 | Gyne function 2 formula |
CM136 | Fang tuo sheng fa jiao nang 防脱生发胶囊 | Hair growth formula |
CM103 | Bi min gan te xiao fang 鼻敏感特效方 | Hayfever formula |
CM157 | Pian tou tong fang 偏头疼方 | Headache relief formula |
CM128 | Tong xie yao fang (jia wei) 痛泄要方(加味) | Irritable bowel 1 formula |
CM123 | Shu gan tong bian fang 疏肝通便方 | Irritable bowel 2 formula |
CM124 | Shu jin huo xue tang 舒筋活血汤 | Joint ease 1 formula |
CM158 | Tong feng ding 痛风定 | Joint ease 2 formula |
CM159 | Hu gan jie du fang 护肝解毒方 | Liver detox formula |
CM142 | Fu gan fu zheng jiao nang 复肝扶正胶囊 | Liver function formula |
CM109 | Gan fu kang 肝复康 | Liver tonic formula |
CM147 | Xuan fei tan chuan fang 宣肺痰喘方 | Lung function 1 formula |
CM143 | Fu zheng ding chuan fang 扶正定喘方 | Lung function 2 formula |
CM144 | Jian nao yi zhi fang 健脑益智方 | Memor-aid formula |
CM110 | Geng nian fang 更年方 | Menopause 1 formula |
CM108 | Er xian gan mai da zao fang 二仙甘麦大枣方 | Menopause 2 formula |
CM160 | Nan bao 男宝 | Men’s formula |
CM127 | Tong jing fang 痛经方 | Dysmenorrhoea formula |
CM132 | Yang xin ding zhi fang 养心定志方 | Mood-uplift 1 formula |
CM161 | Jie yu fang 解郁方 | Mood – uplift 2 formula |
CM162 | Nuan gong cheng yun fang 暖宫成孕方 | Motherhood formula |
CM184 | Yang sheng cheng yun fang 养生成孕方 | Motherhood 2 formula |
CM140 | Cu luan cheng yun fang 促卵成孕方 | Fertility support 1 formula |
CM185 | Jing jian qu tong fang 颈肩祛痛方 | Neck & Shoulder formula |
CM186 | Si wu tang 四物汤 | Nourish the blood formula |
CM163 | Gu zhi shu song jiao nang 骨质疏松胶囊 | Osteo support formula |
CM148 | Zhen tong yao fang 镇痛要方 | Pain-less formula |
CM101 | An shen ning ye fang 安神宁夜方 | Peaceful sleep formula |
CM104 | Chai hu shu gan tang (jia wei) 柴胡疏肝汤(加味) | PMS formula |
CM164 | Jiang ya fang 降压方 | Pressure down formula |
CM120 | Niu pi xuan te xiao fang 牛皮癣特效方 | Psoriasis formula |
CM146 | Ren shen yang rong tang 人参养容汤 | Qi & blood tonic 1 formula |
CM165 | Ba zhen tang (wan) 八珍汤(丸) | Qi & blood tonic 2 formula |
CM137 | He wei li qi fang 和胃理气方 | Reflux & dyspepsia formula |
CM166 | Fu gui ba wei tang 附桂八味汤 | Rehmannia eight vitality formula |
CM117 | Ling zhi huang qi gu ben fang 灵芝黄芪固本汤 | Resistance 1 formula |
CM167 | Xiao chai hu tang (wan) 小柴胡汤(丸) | Resistance 2 formula |
CM168 | Gui pi tang (wan) 归脾汤(丸) | Restore the spleen formula |
CM187 | Yi gan san 抑肝散 | Settle the emotions formula |
CM112 | Jia wei ba ji yin yang tang 加味巴戟阴阳汤 | Sexual function formula |
CM169 | Bi yuan tong qiao fang 鼻渊通窍汤 | Sinus a – c formula |
CM125 | Wu wei xiao du yin (jia wei) 五味消毒饮(加味) | Antitox 2 formula |
CM170 | Jie yan qing fei fang 戒烟清肺汤 | Smoker’s detox formula |
CM106 | Die da fang 跌打方 | Sports injury formula |
CM113 | Jia wei xiao yao san 加味逍遥散 | Stress relief 1 formula |
CM130 | Xiao yao san 逍遥散 | Stress relief 2 formula |
CM171 | Jia di fang 甲低方 | thyrotone formula |
CM141 | Ding chan xi feng jiao nang 定颤熄风胶囊 | Tremor ease formula |
CM188 | Ba zheng tong lin fang 八正通淋方 | Uro-Clear formula |
CM114 | Jian fei jiang zhi fang 减肥降脂方 | Weight management 1 formula |
CM172 | Qing ying xian ti jiang zhi fang 轻盈纤体降脂方 | Weight management 2 formula |
CM173 | Nu bao 女宝 | Women’s formula |
CM189 | Mei zi qing ti fang 美姿清体方 | WTM 3 body shape formula |
CM118 | Liu wei di huang wan 六味地黄丸 | Yin tonic formula |
CM174 | Qing chun yang yan fang 青春养颜方 | Youthful skin formula |