SunHerbal Black Pearl prepared Chinese herbal medicine in pill
- 92 Premium quality concentrated Chinese medicine herbal pills (200 pills up to 8 days).
- The most popular classical and modern Chinese herbal essential formulas.
- Manufactured in China from ‘A’ grade herbs.
- Two to three times stronger than pills made from powdered herbs.
- Labeled with TCM pattern as well as symptoms.
- Competitively priced and outstanding value.
- Order online worldwide available now.

Traditionally most Chinese herbal pills manufactured in China consist of powdered herbs that are compressed and held together with either water or honey, thus making the concentration ratio less than 1:1, as can be seen on the label. While this is more appropriate for strong laxatives, the majority of herbal formulas give much better clinical results in a concentrated form.
BlackPearl® formulas have undergone a process of temperature controlled extraction. This means that you will find Black Pearl formulas to be two or three times stronger than pills made from powdered herbs. Therefore consistent clinical results can be achieved using the recommended dosage range.
The indications on the labels and packaging include the TCM syndromes/patterns as well as major symptoms and biomedical indications, where appropriate. This will facilitate prescribing by helping practitioners (not patients themselves) to match the disease or presenting symptoms with the predominant TCM syndrome/s.
For around the same price as commonly available made from powdered herbs, Sun Herbal Black Pearl offers outstanding value by providing two to three times the amount of active ingredients in each pill.
Note: Any of them is not always available. Some of them have already banned by NZ DOC or Custom.
Code | Pinyin Name | English Name |
BP001 | An shen ding zhi wan 安神定志丸 | Zizyphus Polygala Formula |
BP002 | Ba ji yin yang wan 巴戟阴阳丸 | Morinda Formula |
BP003 | Ba zhen wan (tang) 八珍丸(汤) | Ginseng & Dang-gui Eight Combination |
BP040 | Ba zheng san 八正散 | Dianthus Combination |
BP067 | Ban xia hou po tang (wan) (jia wei) 半夏厚朴汤(丸)(加味) | Pinellia & Magnolia Combination |
BP004 | Bao he wan 保和丸 | Citrus & Crataegus Formula |
BP068 | Bi min gan wan 鼻敏感丸 | Magnolia & Scute Formula |
BP069 | Bu yang huan wu wan (tang) 补阳还五丸(汤) | Astragalus & Lumbricus Formula |
BP005 | Bu zhong yi qi wan (tang) 补中益气丸(汤) | Ginseng & Astragalus Combination |
BP006 | Chai hu shu gan wan (tang) 柴胡疏肝丸(汤) | Bupleurum & Cyperus Combination |
BP047 | Chuan xiong cha tiao wan (san) 川芎茶调散(丸) | Ligusticum and Tea Formula |
BP087 | Dang gui shao yao san 当归芍药散 | Dang gui & Peony Formula |
BP007 | Dang gui wan (su) 当归丸(素) | Angelica Dang-gui Formula |
BP008 | Ding chuan wan (tang) 定喘丸(汤) | Ginkgo Nut & Apricot Seed Formula |
BP009 | Du huo ji sheng wan (tang) 独活寄生丸(汤) | Du Huo & Loranthus Formula |
BP010 | Er chen wan (tang) 二陈丸(汤) | Citrus & Pinellia Combination |
BP041 | Er xian tang (wan) 二仙汤(丸) | Epimedium & Curculigo Combination |
BP048 | Fang feng tong sheng wan (san) 防风通圣丸(散) | Siler & Platycodon Formula |
BP011 | Fu gui ba wei wan (a.k.a. Jin gui shen qi wan or san) 附桂八味丸(又名:金匮肾气丸) | Rehmannia Eight Formula |
BP070 | Fu zi li zhong wan (jia wei) 附子理中丸(加味) | Dangshen & Ginger Formula (Modified) |
BP054 | Gan mai da zao wan (tang) (jia wei) 甘麦大枣丸(汤)(加味) | Wheat & Jujube Combination |
BP012 | Gui pi wan (tang) 归脾丸(汤) | Ginseng & Longan Combination |
BP055 | Gui zhi fu ling wan 桂枝茯苓丸 | Cinnamon & Hoelen Combination |
BP071 | Huai jiao di yu wan 槐角地榆丸 | Sophora Fruit & Sanguisorbia Formula |
BP049 | Huang lian jie du wan (tang) 黄连解毒丸(汤) | Coptis & Scute Formula |
BP042 | Huo luo xiao ling dan (wan) 活络效灵丹(丸) | Salvia & Boswellia Formula |
BP046 | Huo xiang zheng qi wan (san, tang) 藿香正气丸(散,汤) | Agastache Formula |
BP013 | Jia wei xiao yao wan (san) 加味逍遥丸(散) | Bupleurum & Peony Formula |
BP014 | Jian pi wan 健脾丸 | Ginseng & Citrus Formula |
BP056 | Jin gui suan zao ren tang 金匮酸枣仁汤 | Zizyphus Combination |
BP073 | Jue ming hua tan shen shi wan 决明化痰渗湿丸 | Polygonum & Crataegus Combination |
BP074 | Li dan pai shi wan 利胆排石丸 | Lysimachia & Artemisia Formula |
BP015 | Liu wei di huang wan 六味地黄丸 | Rehmannia Six Formula |
BP016 | Long dan xie gan tang (wan) 龙胆泻肝汤(丸) | Gentiana Formula |
BP075 | Ming mu di huang wan 明目地黄丸 | Rehmannia Formula to Brighten the Eyes |
BP043 | Nei xiao luo li wan 内消瘰疬丸 | Prunella & Scrophularia Formula |
BP076 | Pi yan tang (ping) 皮炎汤(平) | Sophora & Dictamnus Formula |
BP077 | Pian tou tong wan 偏头疼丸 | Ligusticum & Vitex Formula |
BP088 | Ping wei san 平胃散 | Magnolia & Ginger Formula |
BP057 | Qi bao mei ran dan (jia wei) 七宝美髯丹(加味) | Polygonum & Cuscuta Formula |
BP017 | Qi ju di huang wan (pian) 杞菊地黄丸(片) | Lycium, Chrysanthemum & Rehmannia Formula |
BP078 | Qian lie xian wan 前列腺丸 | Rubus, Rosa & Rehmannia Formula |
BP058 | Qing e jian gu zhuang yao wan 青娥健骨壮腰丸 | Eucommia & Psoralea Formula |
BP018 | Qing qi hua tan wan (tang) 清气化痰丸(汤) | Citrus & Arisaema Formula |
BP079 | Qing re an chuang wan 清热暗疮丸 | Salvia & Scute Formula |
BP080 | Qu feng tong luo wan 祛风通络丸 | Spatholobus & Clematis Formula |
BP019 | Run chang wan 润肠丸 | Linum & Rhubarb Formula |
BP081 | Sang ju yin wan (jia wei) 桑菊饮丸(加味) | Mulberry & Chrysanthemum Formula |
BP090 | Shao yao gan cao tang 芍药甘草汤 | Peony & Licorice Formula |
BP020 | Shen ling bai zhu san (wan) 参苓白术散(丸) | Ginseng & Atractylodes Formula |
BP044 | Shen qi da bu wan 参芪大补丸 | Codonopsis & Astragalus Combination |
BP045 | Sheng mai san (yin) 生脉散(饮) | Dangshen and Ophiopogon Formula |
BP021 | Shi quan da bu wan (tang) 十全大补丸(汤) | Ginseng & Dang-gui Ten Formula |
BP022 | Shu gan wan (tang) 疏肝丸(汤) | Cyperus & Peony Formula |
BP023 | Shu jin huo xue tang (wan) 舒筋活血汤(丸) | Clematis & Stephania Formula |
BP082 | Si jun zi tang (wan) 四君子汤(丸) | Four Major Herbs Combination |
BP059 | Si miao yong an wan (jia wei) 四妙勇安丸(加味) | Lonicera & Scrophularia Formula |
BP060 | Si wu tang (wan) 四物汤(丸) | Dang-gui Four Combination |
BP061 | Tao hong si wu wan (tang) 桃红四物丸 (汤) | Persica, Carthamus & Dang-gui Combination |
BP024 | Tian ma gou teng yin (wan) 天麻钩藤饮(丸) | Gastrodia & Gambir Formula |
BP025 | Tian wang bu xin wan (dan) 天王补心丸(丹) | Ginseng & Zizyphus Formula |
BP026 | Tong jing wan 痛经丸 | Dang-gui & Notoginseng Formula |
BP062 | Tong xie yao fang wan (jia wei) 痛泄要方丸(加味) | Peony & Atractylodes Combination |
BP050 | Wen dan tang wan 温胆汤丸 | Bamboo & Hoelen Formula |
BP091 | Wen jing tang 温经汤 | Danggui & Evodia Formula |
BP063 | Wu ling san (wan) 五苓散(五苓丸) | Hoelen Five Formula |
BP027 | Wu wei xiao du yin wan 五味消毒饮丸 | Lonicera & Wild Chrysanthemum Formula |
BP028 | Xiang sha liu jun zi tang (wan) 香砂六君子汤(丸) | Saussurea & Cardamon Formula |
BP083 | Xiang sha yang wei wan 香砂养胃丸 | Cyperus & Cardamon Formula |
BP029 | Xiao chai hu tang (wan) 小柴胡汤(丸) | Minor Bupleurum Formula |
BP030 | Xiao feng san 消风散 | Dang-gui & Arctium Formula |
BP084 | Xiao ke jiang tang wan 消渴降糖丸 | Dioscorea & Trichosanthes Formula |
BP064 | Xiao qing long tang (wan) 小青龙汤(丸) | Minor Blue Dragon Combination |
BP031 | Xiao yao wan (san) 逍遥散(丸) | Bupleurum & Dang-gui Formula |
BP032 | Xin yi san (Xin yi wan) 辛夷散(辛夷丸) | Magnolia Flower Formula |
BP033 | Xuan bi tang (wan) 宣痹汤(丸) | Stephania & Atractylodes Combination |
BP034 | Xue fu zhu yu tang (wan) 血府逐瘀汤(丸) | Persica & Cnidium Combination |
BP089 | Ya zhou yan wan 牙周炎丸 | Taraxacum & Coptis Formula |
BP035 | Yang yin jiang ya wan 养阴降压丸 | Achyranthes & Cassia Seed Formula |
BP051 | Yang yin qing fei tang (jia wei) 养阴清肺汤(加味) | Fritillaria & Ophiopogon Formula |
BP065 | Yin chen hao wan (jia wei) 茵陈蒿丸(加味) | Artemisia & Rhubarb Combination |
BP036 | Yin qiao san (wan) 银翘散(丸) | Lonicera & Forsythia Formula |
BP066 | You gui wan (yin) 右归丸(饮) | Right Returning Formula |
BP037 | Yu ping feng san 玉屏风散 | Jade Screen Formula |
BP038 | Zhi bai ba wei wan (tang) 知柏八味丸(汤) | A. P. & Rehmannia Formula |
BP086 | Zhi sou san wan (jia wei) 止嗽散丸(加味) | Platycodon & Stemona Formula |
BP052 | Zi yin gan lu yin 滋阴甘露饮 | Rehmannia & Asparagus Formula |
BP053 | Zhuang yang yi jing wan 壮阳益精丸 | Epimedium & Ginseng Formula |
BP085 | Zi shen yu tai wan 滋肾育胎丸 | Dang-gui & Epimedium Formula |
BP092 | Zi sheng wan (jia wei) 资生丸(加味) | Dangshen, Dioscorea & Coix Combination |
BP039 | Zuo gui wan (yin) 左归丸(饮) | Left Returning Formula |
BP093 | Zuo jin wan 左金丸 | Coptis & Evodia Formula |