
Ba Zhen Wan


Ba Zhen Wan



Ba Zhen Wan, or Ba Zhen Tang, 八珍丸(汤), Ginseng & Dang-gui Eight Combination. Chinese herbal medicine prepared formula in pill. Brand: SunHerbal – Black Pearl from Australia.

Actions: Tonifies the Qi, nourishes the Blood.

Indications: Anaemia, general debility duo to chronic illness, amenorrhoea, dysmenorrhoea, irregular menstruation, postpartum weakness, chronic non-healing ulcers.

Key Signs & Symptoms: Fatigue, Muscular weakness, Pale or sallow complexion, Dry and lacklustre skin, Shortness of breath (dyspnoea), Reluctance to speak, Sweating on mild or no exertion, Palpitations, Insomnia, Pale tongue with a thin white coat, Weak and thready pulse.

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